Publish Time:2019-02-02 10:12 Extract From:Lung Tin
Lung Tin Succeeded to the Crown of WTR “China and SARS: CHINA: DOMESTIC” Ranking List

The 2019 ranking list results have been revealed by the globally well-known trademark magazines “WTR 1000” recently. Lung Tin Intellectual Property Agent Ltd. has again succeeded to this crown and chosen as the outstanding firms: prosecution and strategy. Partner and manager of the trademark & copyright department, Ms. Di Wu and the lawyer & trademark attorney, Ms. Ping Sui have been both chosen as the outstanding individuals: prosecution and strategy.

"Reliability, proficiency, teamwork, innovation and solutions have always been and will remain Lung Tin' s core values for success."

——WTR 1000


             Ms. Di Wu                           Ms. Ping Sui