Publish Time:2021-07-07 10:27 Extract From:Lung Tin
Lung Tin Ranked in MIP IP STARS 2021

Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) has published the 2021 ranking results from its research for the 2021 edition of IP STARS. Lung Tin was honored to be listed in the 2021 edition of the MIP IP Stars' rankings in patent prosecution, patent contentious, trade mark prosecution and trade mark contentious areas, as we did in the previous 11 years. Our managing partner, Dr. Qinghong Xu was ranked as a Patent IP Star for 2021 as the fourth consecutive year into this list.


IP STARS is the leading specialist guide to IP law firms and practitioners worldwide. Each year, Managing IP's research analysts in London, New York and Hong Kong obtain information from thousands of firms, IP practitioners and their clients through interviews, emails and online surveys. The research for IP STARS covers a variety of IP practice areas and more than 80 jurisdictions, making it the most comprehensive and widely respected guide in the IP profession.




IP Star of Lung Tin by MIP:



(Dr. Qinghong Xu's profile: