Our partner, Dr. Qinghong Xu was invited to write an article on “Trade Secrets-China” by LESI (Licensing Executives Society International), which was published on June 2021 Issue, Les Nouvelles. Focusing on the subject of trade secrets protection, LESI also set up a special course in the live series of LESI pop-up classes on November 23, and invited intellectual property experts from the USA, Brazil, and China to introduce the trade secrets protection in different territories. Dr. Qinghong Xu was the speaker to present the protection in China.
Dr. Xu’s article "Trade Secrets-China" summarizes China’s legal regime for enforcing trade secret rights and the remedies provided for trade secret right holders to combat misappropriation through, e.g., judicial civil action, administrative action, and criminal prosecution, respectively before a people’s court, an office of Administration for Market Regulation, and a people’s procuratorate.
On November 23, LESI Education Committee hosted the serial Pop-Up course: "There is More to Trade Secrets than Signing NDAs" for its global members.
In part 1 “panel discussion”, Ms. Jennifer Pierce, as the moderator, introduced the WTO and TRIPS’s regulations related to trade secrets, and three panelists from the United States, Brazil, and China briefly introduced the trade secret systems in their jurisdiction.
In part 2 “Breakout Sessions”, there were three breakout rooms covering topics of two jurisdictions in each room for approximately 20 minutes respectively. Breakout group 1: China-USA; Breakout group 2: China-USA-Brazil; Breakout group 3: Brazil-China.
This live course was developed by full of creation in both its form and content, which successfully received well registration and favorable interaction.